A new video for 's iconic 1972 hit has been released to mark the arrival of a new edition of Bowie's album of the same year, . The video was compiled using previously unseen film shot by Bowie's longtime collaborator , and was shot in the UK on the tour in 1972 and 1973. More footage from the tour was premiered on in June, backed by the audio track from "Mick was extremely proud of his collaborations with David Bowie and was hopeful that more of his never-before-seen film work would see the light of day," wrote the page's admins.

"When we uncovered this previously unreleased footage shot during the Ziggy Stardust Tour, we knew that we could bring his dream to life." The new footage comes ahead of a Blu-ray version of the album, which features four different mixes: a new Dolby Atmos mix and a new stereo mix (96khz / 24-bit pcm), plus two 2012 24-bit pcm remasters of the original 1972 mix, one mastered at 192khz and one at 48khz. The Atmos version of the album was mixed by Emre Ramazanoglu and Ken Scott at RAK studios in London.

Scott worked with Bowie on the original album, as well as on and "You’re in there with the act, with David," says Scott of the Atmos mix. "He was so theatrical I think being able to put him into an immersive place makes this a really good choice for an Atmos mix. My whole philosophy with this has been to make it more like a live experience.

And I’ve even got him moving about the stage a little towards the end, the way he would have in real life. Hop.