Kamala Harris finally answered a question from the media today and it went exactly as we thought it would: 🚨Kamala finally took questions from the press. It went exactly as you would expect. It’s easy to see why they don’t let her do this.

pic.twitter.com/bkIu1zXr0L That's a non-answer.

Is Tim Walz wincing in the back toward the end? lol LOL -- he sure was. Yeah, they don’t look worried at all that Kamala is about to open her mouth. pic.

twitter.com/jgtvfN61Yz Their faces say it all. The question was "how do you pay for this?" It's like "Honey, I got so many beautiful things, and we saved so much BECAUSE IT WAS ON SALE!" Same vibes.

Wait, did she say she’s creating first-time home buyers with the child tax credit? And she’s calling tax credits an investment? Whose investment? In what? It’s not the government’s money. This woman has an Econ degree? She apparently does have an economics degree. She should probably get a refund.

I think she just learned about "return on investment" and really wanted to show off the new knowledge Surprised she didn't pepper a couple 'dualities' in there. I don’t think she said “return on investment” enough times to really get the point across that it’s going to be a great return on investment If we get returns on our investments, those returns on our investments will help with future returns on our investments. This is hilarious, she’s giving some neo Reaganite answer about tax cut pay fors https://t.

co/9QyPhCvdMm She's .