Bollywood actress-turned-politician Jaya Bachchan created a stir in Parliament recently when she refused to be called by her husband Amitabh Bachchan's name. In Monday's session, she repeated her point, but Rajya Sabha Chairman and Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar corrected her, earning applause and cheers from other members. In a now-viral video, Dhankhar introduced the SP MP as 'Smt Jaya Amitabh Bachchan' in the Rajya Sabha, which is her official name on her nomination papers.

However, she objected again, asking, "Sir, you know what Amitabh means, right?" What’s wrong with Jaya Bachchan? On one hand, she says she is very proud of her husband; on the other hand, she has a problem with the Speaker calling her by her full name—the name she provided herself. Glad that Jagdeep Dhankhar ji taught her a lesson. pic. — BALA (@erbmjha) August 5, 2024 Dhankar replied, "Ma'am, you can change it, and I will facilitate the process. There is a procedure to change the name you submitted for your election certificate.

I used this provision myself in 1989, and it is available for all members. Please change it officially then." While Opposition members in Parliament cheered and clapped at Dhankhar's response, Jaya clarified that she is proud of her husband's achievements and feels no shame in being associated with him.

Netizens also praised Dhankhar, calling it a fitting reply to Jaya. One user commented, "On one hand, she claims to be very proud of her hu.