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[+] laws and regulations. getty In today’s column, I continue my ongoing identification and exploration of ways for budding startups to leverage generative AI as a potential product or service based on freshly uncovered business opportunities arising from new laws and regulations, see my akin coverage at the link here. I will present you with an exemplary brand-new use case that is ripe for the pickings and is based on a recent column posting in which I discussed the ABA’s (American Bar Association) release of a strict code of conduct for lawyers and law firm's use of generative AI, see the link here .

First, allow me to explain the general concept of how new laws and regulations can open business opportunities for the fruitful and profitable application of generative AI. After doing so, I’ll dive into a particular use case to showcase the practicalities of this as a means for devising startup ideas. The notion here is that this is a twofer discussion.

The first part is about broadly identifying and exploring new business ideas. The second part is a viable and illustrative example. Let’s get into it.

New Laws And Regulations Can Open New Business Avenues One of the perhaps least known or rarely understood business ideation tricks is to scour laws and regulations for startup possibilities. You might not have given t.