Far-left climate change activists doused a Tesla Cybertruck electric vehicle exhibit in Germany on Saturday in a protest against “how the super-rich deal with global warming”. In a further demonstration of dubious standards by green agenda radicals, members of the Letzte Generation (Last Generation) youth climate militant collective covered a Cybertruck in orange paint in Hamburg. “The SUV has been touring Germany as an exhibit and symbolizes how the super-rich deal with global warming: armoured in a luxury vehicle, off to climate hell,” the group wrote on X, owned by Telsa chief Elon Musk.

Protester Hendrik Fauer added: “The truck perfectly illustrates where the anti-social policies of the last decades have led us: A few rich people drive well-armoured into the catastrophe – and take everyone with them.” The Last Generation also accused Tesla founder Elon Musk of “endangering the health of thousands of people in other ways” citing the supposed dangers posed by Tesla’s Giga Factory in Grünheide. 📣 Cybertruck in Hamburg mit Farbe übergossen – Gepanzert in die Klimahölle Seit dem 2.

Mai tourt der SUV als Ausstellungsstück quer durch Deutschland und versinnbildlicht den Umgang der Superreichen mit der Erderhitzung: Gepanzert im Luxusfahrzeug ab in die Klimahölle. 1/7 pic.twitter.

com/MaxRPI29Hg — Letzte Generation (@AufstandLastGen) July 13, 2024 Tesla has increasingly become a target for climate radicals in Germany, with hundreds of activists.