Aishwarya Rai recently attended the SIIMA Awards in Dubai with her daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan. While the actress grabbed attention for her win, her daughter impressed netizens with her etiquette. Aaradhya's video greeting Shiva Rajkumar by touching his feet has gone viral on social media.

In a video shared by a user on Instagram, Aishwarya Rai can be seen holding her award and greeting Shiva Rajkumar with folded hands. The actress is also seen introducing her daughter to the Kannada superstar, after which Aaradhya was seen touching Shiva Rajkumar's feet to greet him instead of shaking hands. The superstar was seen blessing Aaradhya in the video.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Snehkumar Zala (@snehzala) Aaradhya's gesture towards Shiva Rajkumar impressed everyone. Aishwarya Rai's fans praised her upbringing. One of the comments read, "Sanskar umar de bade hai iske.

" Another user wrote, "Wow good habit from mom to daughter." Another commented, "She learned good." Another wrote, "Aishwarya has raised her daughter well.

Superb." In the video, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was also seen hugging Vikram, her Ponniyin Selvan co-star. At the SIIMA Awards 2024, Aishwarya won Best Actress in a Leading Role (Critics) award for her performance in Ponniyin Selvan: II (2023).

As the actress went on the stage to recieve her award, Aaradhya Bachchan was seen cheering her up and capturing the moment in her mobile phone. As Aishwarya collected her award from filmmaker Kabir Khan on stag.