One of the core reasons behind Pakistan’s slide towards extremism is the state narrative about history. It teaches people to be good Muslims instead of good Pakistanis. The issue becomes more complicated when no one can agree on what "Muslim" means.

So, currently, people hating each other for not being a "good Muslim" and calling for the beheading of a state official for ruling in favour of an excommunicated sect is the next stage and natural evolution of this narrative. In a normal state, people would have been more concerned about Pakistan’s national interests and the lives of fellow Pakistanis instead of thinking about butchering them over a religious opinion. This is simply because they would have identified as Pakistani primarily instead of being Muslim first; hence, the life of every fellow Pakistani regardless of religion, sect, ethnicity and sex would have been treated with care.

This has not happened in a long time and the distorted history provides justification to keep pushing this narrative. Joseph Goebbels once stated, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Some in Pakistan have taken his advice to their hearts, as the number of times one comes across the same nonsense every other day is appalling.

Whether it’s an ultra-right-wing group or bigoted politicians, all use the slogan "Pakistan ka Matlab Kya, La Ilaha Ill’Allah" (Pakistan means there is no God but One) to push religious zealotry and the .