Warren Buffett's company, , is known for its ability to find value in the markets. That's why when it makes a move to buy a stock, many investors often follow suit, feeling confident that Buffett or Berkshire's other managers saw some considerable value there. On the flip side, investors may grow concerned when they don't see a lot of buying activity, and Berkshire's cash balance has been growing instead.

They may be reading into that trend as a sign of cause for concern in the markets. And with Berkshire's cash balance indeed rising, should investors be worried about the stock market? Is this a time to sell off your stocks and wait for better economic conditions? data by . This sharp increase in Berkshire's cash comes as the company has been selling off shares of multiple companies, including and .

Tech company and iPhone maker Apple has accounted for close to half of Berkshire's holdings in the past. Today, it makes up a more modest 29% of all investments. Is this a sign that Buffett is worried about the markets? Selling shares of some of his top investments may seem alarming to investors, especially with recent concerns of a recession on the rise.

Economic conditions are worsening, and now expectations are that the Federal Reserve will cut rates in the near future -- it's just a matter of how steep and how many cuts there will be rather than whether there will be any at all this year. But Buffett has remained invested in stocks throughout worse and more concerning periods .