Make sure you get the right cover (Image: Alamy/PA) Insurance gurus are sounding the alarm that correctly filling out your travel insurance form is crucial to avoid potentially massive medical expenses. With gripes about travel turmoil at an all-time high since the pandemic's heyday, the Financial Ombudsman Service has been deluged with more than 4,400 complaints in the fiscal year 2023/2024. Holiday-goers are up in arms, facing delayed flights, vanished bags and sub-par aid during medical mishaps abroad.

Beware the pitfalls of omitting medical history on your travel insurance application, as it can spell financial disaster and undue fretting. So, brush up on your knowledge about overseas health insurance to avert holiday headaches. Should you shell out for travel insurance? Dishing out a bit more dough for travel insurance could be a safety net, saving you a fortune if a medical calamity strikes while you're soaking up new cultures, reports Bristol Live .

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