Expert has issued a warning about cold showers (Image: GETTY) Braving a cold shower or bath offers many benefits including; boosting endorphins, improving metabolism, and enhancing your circulation - but one thing not so clear is how much time is needed to see results. Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has shared his expertise on how long you should stay in cold water for, should you be up for exploring the health challenge. Kicking things off with how useful a cold shower can be, he began: "They stimulate the release of what? The catecholamines, dopamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine, long duration release.

That's why it's useful, in my opinion, for all the debate about deliberate cold exposure. "Does it increase metabolism? Does it not? The answer seems to be probably not much." Andrew says what is "absolutely clear", however, is that it causes "huge increase in adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine that are very long-lasting, and that makes you feel great".

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