A primary school where children 'flourish' is just an inspection away of being marked as outstanding. Masefield Primary School was visited by Ofsted as part of an ungraded inspection ­— with inspectors stating 'the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding is a graded inspection were carried out now". The school is currently marked good.

Ofsted described the school as 'happy and welcoming' and one where children achieve 'exceptionally well'. The Ofsted report stated: "Pupils are proud of the impressive array of knowledge that they develop over time. They put this knowledge to effective use across the curriculum.

"Children begin to develop confidence and resilience in the early years. As a result, pupils embrace new experiences without trepidation as they progress through the school. They know that staff will help them to overcome difficulties if they arise.

"Pupils are keen to embrace the ‘Masefield Way’. Their behaviour at breaktimes and as they move around the school is exemplary. Pupils focus well during lessons, rarely needing to be reminded by staff.

"Pupils particularly enjoy accessing the school’s outdoor areas where they learn a variety of bushcraft skills. They also learn how to grow produce and to look after the school’s rabbits and chickens. At breaktimes, pupils value having time to read, play with friends, exercise, or engage in mindfulness activities.

" READ MORE: Masefield Primary School is in the top 3 per cent of scho.