Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is the most-played Warhammer 40,000 game ever on Steam and has seen over two million players since launch, but there’s one issue that gives players the fear: the dreaded 'joining server' bug. Space Marine 2 inexplicably launched without private PvE lobbies, which forces players who are engaged with the endgame co-op Operations mode to brave its frustrating matchmaking. It is possible to join a group of two other randoms as a solo player in this three-player co-op mode, and doing so seems to work well enough.

Similarly, if you can get together with two friends to create a full three-player group, you’re fine...

mostly . Things break down, though, when you’re trying to play with one other friend, and need another random to fill in the group. My experience doing this has been littered with wasted time and matchmaking woes, with Space Marine 2 stubbornly refusing to add another human player to our group.

Instead, we get a random class bot to fill in the role. Playing Operations mode on the harder difficulties, which you need to do to obtain the rewards that unlock the higher-tier weapons and perks, is almost impossible without three human players of the appropriate level all tearing through the mission. Space Marine 2 can be a brutally difficult game that throws loads of rock hard enemies at you.

There’s no room for poor AI here. Me when joining my friend's server on Space Marines 2: pic.twitter.

com/s2ObHkBOv1 — Jacky (Comms Closed) (@ja.