BROOK PARK, Ohio -- A new pilot program is offering residents of Brook Park and Maple Heights the chance to help prevent street flooding and beautify their neighborhoods by adopting storm drains. The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) launched the “Drainkeepers” program this summer . It aims to engage residents in maintaining storm drains by clearing away leaves and debris that could cause blockages.

Charles Cicco, government affairs specialist for NEORSD, said residents can easily sign up online to participate. “Once enrolled, they receive a kit with supplies to maintain the surface of their adopted storm drain,” Cicco said. One Drainkeeper, 32-year-old Craig Barnett of Maple Heights, has been involved in the program since it launched in his city in June.

“I’m the proud owner of TB Good Homes LLC, where I focus on repairing and rebuilding homes to contribute to making our community a better place to live,” Barnett said. “In addition to my work in real estate, I’ve been involved with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Drainkeepers program since it began. “I signed up because I like to help keep the community clean and free from trash.

” He described maintaining a drain as “pretty simple and easy work.” “It’s been a rewarding experience, and I’m proud to play a part in helping keep our environment clean and our neighborhoods looking their best,” Barnett said. “I would highly recommend the program to anyone who shares .