Who doesn’t want healthy skin? But achieving a radiant complexion takes more than just good cosmetics—it requires a balanced diet as well. Luis Alberto Zamora, author of Eating is Easy if You Know How , highlights that our skin, along with our hair and nails , reflects what we eat. "Healthy skin isn’t just the result of a diligent beauty routine; it also depends on the nutrients we provide our body through food.

While creams, oils, and other cosmetics work from the outside in, their effectiveness depends on how deeply they penetrate the skin’s layers," Zamora explains. He emphasises that this is especially crucial if you're in places where sun exposure is more. This is because sunlight not only generates more free radicals through UVA and UVB rays but also accelerates photoaging and dehydrates the skin.

Water, nutrients and antioxidants for healthy skin Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for healthy skin, and nutritionist Luis Alberto Zamora highlights the role of fruits like melon and certain vegetables in achieving this. "While we often think lettuce is high in water content, a 55-gram serving only provides about a fifth of a glass of water. Instead, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, and even canned white asparagus are excellent options for keeping the skin hydrated ," he explains.

Zamora emphasises the importance of providing the skin with the nutrients it needs to regenerate, particularly vitamins A, E, and the B group. “It’s especially important to incre.