Wales has welcomed its first GreenSeas Trust Bin at Mermaid Quay, as it pioneers the fight against marine plastic pollution. Unveiled as the first BinForGreenSeas in Wales, it specialises in collecting PET plastic waste to improve the quality of our oceans. The Wales addition is the 19th of its kind in the UK and plays an invaluable role at Cardiff Bay.

Cardiff Council selected Mermaid Quay to host the bin because of its substantial function in environmental preservation. PET is prevalent in the production of single-use plastic bottles and various food and drink containers. This initiative aims at curbing the alarming rate of 700,000 plastic water bottles littering the UK daily.

Becky Jones, marketing manager at Mermaid Quay, said: “We are extremely proud to host the first GreenSeas Trust Bin in Wales here at Mermaid Quay. "This initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability and the environment. By encouraging visitors to properly dispose of plastic waste, we hope to inspire a culture of awareness and action against marine pollution.

Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving the natural beauty of Cardiff Bay for future generations.” A spokesperson from Cardiff Council, added: “We are thrilled to have been donated this wonderful new GreenSeas Trust recycling bin for plastics in Cardiff Bay. Single-use, throw-away plastic culture is increasing at a concerning pace, and this new addition to the heart of Cardiff Bay is a positive step f.