today unveiled an exciting trailer for its upcoming original dance drama series, 'Waack Girls'. The series is created and directed by Padma Shri awardee Sooni Taraporevala and co-written by Sooni, Iyanah Bativala, and Ronny Sen; It is produced by Caleb Franklin, Vikesh Bhutani, and Sooni Taraporevala under the banners of Matter Entertainment, Chalkboard Entertainment, and Jigri Dost Productions. A delightful medley of dance, drama, music, heartbreak and humor, this energetic, fast-paced nine-episode series boasts a talented ensemble cast including Mekhola Bose, Rytasha Rathore, Anasua Chowdhury, Chrisann Pereira, Priyam Saha, Ruby Sah, Achintya Bose alongside acclaimed actors Barun Chanda, Lillete Dubey and the late Nitesh Pandey in pivotal roles.

The drama series is all set to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in India and over 240 countries and territories worldwide on November 22 in Hindi, with dubs in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Prime Video India releases trailer for 'Waack Girls' The trailer for 'Waack Girls' whisks viewers away to the lively streets of Kolkata, where the vibrant rhythm of waacking - a dynamic dance form largely unknown in India - intertwines with themes of friendship, resilience, and defiant self-expression. It showcases a diverse ensemble of young women, all united by their love for dance; offering an intimate glimpse into the lives of these six unapologetic , each with their own unique story.

With clever writing, sharp punchlines, light-h.