VXON members (from left) C13, Patrick, Franz, Vince, and Sam in a concept photo for their “20:20” album. Image: X/@vxonofficial P-pop boy group VXON said being chosen as the interpreter of the PhilPop Himig Handog 2024 entry “MHWG” is a responsibility for them as the track touches on mental health. VXON — consisting of C13, Sam, Franz, Vince, and Patrick — was chosen as one of the interpreters of PhilPop Himig Handog 2024, bringing life to “MHWG” by Rob Angeles.

Apart from the P-pop group, 11 more songs written by songwriters and their respective interpreters will be competing in this year’s edition. For the group’s leader C13, mental health is a topic they always wanted to delve into in their music since they want to bring hope to fans, also known as Vixies. Franz, meanwhile, said bringing “MHWG” is an “honor and responsibility” for them.

“We want to showcase and tap into our vulnerability,” Franz said on the sidelines of the PhilPop Himig Handog launch. “Through this song, we want to express that there is hope. Life is beautiful and I hope we won’t lose the drive to keep moving [forward].

” While VXON admits there is pressure in being the first P-pop group to join the competition, Sam pointed out they want to “stay obsessed with [their] work” instead of focusing on winning. “We just [want to] stay obsessed with our work and our output. We don’t want to focus on being on the top.

We just want to focus on our art and how we can mak.