As the film recounts, the British ultra-runner’s story is one of resilience and determination. On Thursday, activewear brand Vuori released the latest film in its ongoing ‘Body Follows the Mind’ campaign. Titled ‘Body Follows the Mind: Volume 2, Featuring William Goodge,’ the short film chronicles the inspiring journey of British ultra-runner and former rugby star William Goodge, known for his remarkable 2023 run across the United States, where he covered 3,064 miles in just 55 days.

Filmed in the stunning desert landscape of Joshua Tree, California, and directed by Vuori’s in-house team, the 12-minute, 30-second film explores the emotional backstory of William Goodge's cross-country run. As the story unfolds, viewers discover that Goodge embarked on this monumental journey to cope with the deep grief of losing his mother to cancer in 2018. “Running gave me ultimate space to think through things without distraction,” Goodge said in a Vuori blog post.

“It handed me a usable physical outlet for energy I had stemming from an emotional place ...

The beautiful thing about running is sometimes I don’t think about anything. I get lost; it feels meditative. Whatever happens when I’m out there putting one foot in front of the other, when I finish the run, I always feel better, more calm, or have come to a more sound decision about something.

” Through compelling visuals and heartfelt storytelling, the ad showcases Goodge’s resilience and passion for running an.