Vice president, Dr Michael Usi has commended health workers for working very hard in difficult conditions to save people’s lives. Usi made the remarks on Monday when he visited Nthenje Health Centre in Senior Chief Mwankhunikira in Rumphi where he once worked when he was employed by Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA). He said Nthenje was one of the facilities that provided quality healthcare at the time he worked at the facility and wanted to find out the present condition of the facility and also to appreciate the work that health workers, particularly health surveillance assistants provide.

” HSAs work in very tough conditions in the communities to prevent disease outbreaks through surveillance and sensitisation. Sometimes they may feel like they are not recognised, but I want to assure you that we know the importance of your work and we value it ,” he said. He added that he wanted to find out the present condition of the facility and channel any challenges to relevant authorities for action.

Director of Health Services for Rumphi, Dr Arnold Jumbe said one of challenges at the facility is that it no longer offers maternity services to its catchment population since the service level agreement with Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) was terminated. The agreement, among others, enables people to access specific health services at CHAM facilities whose cost is borne by the Government of Malawi. District Commissioner for Rumphi, Emmanuel Bulukutu said one of the ma.