Watch more of our videos on and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565 Bayston Hill Memorial Hall has seen the lot since it opened in December 1924, and its very special anniversary celebrations were given a fitting opening. The hall's memorial plaque, marking the 100th anniversary, was unveiled on Saturday by Mrs Venice Turrell, who at 93 years of age is the oldest committee member.

Mrs Turrell represents the village flower club . The official opening was carried out by Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Shropshire Claire Crackett . And the whole event, from Saturday through to Monday, was well attended by many people both from Bayston Hill and beyond.

The hall was first built to be a lasting memorial to people who have lost their lives in conflict. Allan Caswell BEM, the current committee chairman, who is steeped in the history of Bayston Hill, says a pictorial history of the Memorial Hall was a popular attraction. But so was the modern day use of the hall, with a number of user groups also in attendance to promote what they do to numerous visitors.

The hall, in Lyth Hill Road, is thriving with in excess of 40 regular user groups. They included The Women's Institute, Flower Club, Textile Embroidery. The Lace Making Guild, Drama Group, Alpine Garden Society, Beat Eating Disorders Group and the Shropshire Accordion Club provided some entertainment.

There was also a display dedicated to Eric Lock , a Battle of Britain Spitfire pilot who was born in Bayston Hill. Lock has been haile.