Volunteers including residents, traders and councillors came together to clean up a city market. Brighton and Hove City Council’s Tidy Up team organised a street clean up at the Open Market in London Road and The Level, with 35 people mucking in. Several councillors, traders from businesses in the Open Market and staff from the council’s waste services department, Cityclean, took part in collecting litter, removing graffiti and clearing weeds on Sunday, August 18.

Councillor Ty Goddard, cabinet advisor for economic growth and member of the Open Market’s board, said: “It was brilliant to see so many people come along to help. READ MORE: Uncertain future for Sussex beach which is eroding quickly “We’re incredibly lucky to have somewhere like the Open Market in our city centre; it is a fantastic place full of some amazing shops and cafes and has a real sense of community. “I am always telling people to head down and check it out, so seeing councillors, residents and traders give up their spare time to come together and give the Open Market some deserved love and attention was great.

“The event at Brighton Open Market was a perfect example of the positive impact the Big Clean Up is having and I’d like to thank everyone who came along to help out.”.