The South Yuba River Citizens League’s Annual River Cleanup is turning 27 this year and registration to participate is open at .

Each September since 1997, as part of a larger cleanup effort called California Coastal Cleanup Day, SYRCL has organized an annual Yuba River Cleanup event uniting the community to remove the trash that sadly builds up throughout the Yuba River watershed. In 2024, the Cleanup coincides with National Public Lands Day, furthering the reach of the event. More than 800,000 people visit the Yuba watershed each summer.

From locals to out-of-town visitors, everyone has an impact on the river. Most who visit recreate with intention, valuing the fragility of the ecosystem, packing out what they have packed in, cleaning up after their dogs, and not starting any fires. Unfortunately, either through carelessness or ignorance, not everyone is so respectful.

By the end of “river season,” the Yuba needs a little help from the community that loves it. SYRCL invites the watershed community to participate in this year’s Annual Yuba River Cleanup on Saturday, September 28, 2024 – a day to revitalize the Yuba River Watershed. You can sign up by going to SYRCL’s website at www. . With nearly 30 sites to clean, SYRCL needs at least 500-800 volunteers to haul out trash and debris across more than 80 miles of creeks, streams, and rivers.

From 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.

m. on September 28, individual volunteers, families, groups, and org.