LEXINGTON — Davidson County continues to attract more visitors to the area who are spending more money here, according to an annual study by VisitNC, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina Domestic and international visitors to and within Davidson County spent $306.17 million in 2023, an increase of 5.2% from 2022, the report noted.

“Tourists continue to be crucial economic drivers for Davidson County,” said Morgan Brinkle, executive director of the Lexington Tourism Authority. “Our central location within the state serves us well, and when combined with our excellent local businesses, attractions and industry partners, we create the perfect formula to continue growing these numbers each year.” Brinkle said it’s not one attraction that is bring in more visitors, but instead the county’s arsenal of places and events that make it a place people want to visit.

“I honestly don’t know of one particular thing that is the attraction,” she said. Our location. in the center of the state is a good thing.

We have a historic uptown in Lexington, our barbecue industry continues to be a big draw, we have RCR Racing here and six award-winning wineries.” Also, High Rock Lake is a seasonal pull for boaters and fishing. “Thomasville is doing an excellent job with the Main Street program in attracting people there and Denton FarmPark is also bringing in tourists with all their events.

The three cities combined are generating those numbers for th.