Slash stops by at opening of Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights and talks composing music for its haunted houses and how it’s an outlet, love for Halloween and fun of seeing people dressed as him at Halloween parties, too! Travel stirs the soul and motivates the muse of even the most inartful explorers. "People don't take trips . .

. trips take people," proclaimed author John Steinbeck, who famously captured rough times on the road from the Oklahoma Dust Bowl to golden California in his 1939 novel "The Grapes of Wrath." New lavish landscapes, first-time flavors and curious cultures inspire an itch among wide-eyed wanderers to capture the joy of new discoveries in photos, journals, social media posts and even the time-honored art of penning postcards.

FROM ALABAMA TO TEXAS, US TRAVEL SPOTS TO SOAK UP AMERICAN SCIENCE AND INNOVATION For the most gifted and most inspired travelers , new discoveries inspire words, books, songs, images and art that plant themselves in popular culture. Here's a look at five landmarks of American travel inspirational enough to shape the national culture. California – Big Sur Big Sur boasts some of the most specular and isolated coastal scenery in California along State Route 1, also called Big Sur Coast Highway.

(Associated Press) Big Sur reminds visitors that California , the most populous state in the union, still boasts awe-inspiring natural beauty. State Route 1 hangs precariously between the Santa Lucia Mountains and the Pa.