A country can rapidly change and be prosperous within a short span of time if it is ruled by a didactic and proactive leader. There are many countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, UAE, and Singapore, etc.) in the world now on the way to prosperity and near the summit of success due to the role of visionary leaders and the support of hard-working and diligent people.

It is said that only the leader who is honest, responsible, and farsighted can architect and shape the future of the nations and the people. So, John C. Maxwell, a popular leadership expert, has stated that a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Once Egyptian priest, a very old man, and Solon, a famous politician and poet of Greeks, have suddenly met and discussed with each other. While talking, Priest said to Solon, “You Greeks never grow up; there is not an old man among you.” Solon could not understand it and said what you meant in response.

Then Priest replied, “You are mentally immature. You have no ancient tradition to imbue your minds with old beliefs and with understanding aged by time.” Nepal does have all the essential ingredients: aesthetic cultures and values, history, beauty of nature, young and energetic manpower, aged people, emerging dynamic political figures, and many other resources, as well as tremendous possibilities for conducting development activities, but it is a great misfortune that we have everything yet we are begging other hands and knees c.