St. Peter’s College winger Vishenka Silva brought out the beauty in him on yet another occasion this time when it mattered the most as he scored his ninth try in only his fourth match as St. Joseph’s College were beaten 25-10 in their Dialog inter school league rugby contest at Bambalapitiya yesterday.

Vishenka showed that nothing could have stood in his way and even a heavy downpour before the match that made the ground watery and muddy for running rugby meant absolutely nothing as he ran in the first try in the opening minutes of play and just when something was needed to separate both teams he stood up to the occasion. Vishenka scored what must have been the try of the season so far as he brushed past four defenders on the left flank covering more than 50 metres to score under the posts that gave the Peterites a 25-10 lead 12 minutes before the end to secure the result. Until that stage the Peterites were cocky at times and even attempted to run the ball from their own in-goal area that proved disastrous as they not only conceded a try to the Joes when the move failed but also lost a second player to a yellow card.

The Peterites had enough ball to score more than the four tries but some shoddy passing and collecting with a slippery ball not helping also prevented them from crossing the line. Skipper Dulaj Nawodya scored one of the tries and the Peterites were also prevented from not going beyond a solitary rolling maul from which they scored a try through second rower .