The conveniences of modern electronics have afforded us easier lives and greater comfort. Apart from the simple luxury that things like air-conditioners, computers, and televisions provide for their uses, many menial tasks can be handily automated with the right appliances. But these appliances and gadgets, while handy and useful, can pose great risks to our furry friends who, like little children, don’t know how they operate.

So let’s be more mindful about how we can balance the wonders of modern appliances with safety for our pets. Here are some home safety tips or electrical safety tips from Visayan Electric Co. The main way appliances are powered is with electricity.

And where does electricity in our homes come from other than sockets? A playful paw stuck in the wrong place can hurt our little critters, and it’s even worse when a wet snout sniffs too close to it. So be proactive in preventing injuries by getting these small and affordable plastic socket covers. And how does the power get from the socket to the appliance? By yards and yards of electrical wiring.

For humans, these are practically harmless and totally safe to use, but a curious cat or a playful dog can mistake it either for a threat and attack it or a new plaything and chew on it. They might also inadvertently tug on it and pull whatever device it’s connected to to come crashing to the floor. Best to just tie these wires or hide these cords for safety.

The wonders of innovation can mean that as time .