Breastfeeding is a deeply personal journey, and is often fraught with challenges that can make it an overwhelming experience for many women. With physical discomforts and societal pressures, support during this critical time is often not available for mothers. This is where a breastfeeding support community becomes invaluable, offering not just practical advice, but also emotional reassurance and a sense of solidarity.

Visakhapatnam-based startup NariCare seeks to address this critical yet often overlooked aspect of motherhood — breastfeeding support. Founded by Gayathri Kanumuri, NariCare is a venture born out of her personal experience and a desire to help other mothers navigate the challenges of breastfeeding. Gayathri’s journey with breastfeeding was far from easy.

Like many new mothers, she faced numerous difficulties, from latching issues to managing societal expectations. This experience led her to realise that there was a lack of accessible, reliable support system for breastfeeding mothers in India. With an aim to bridge this gap, she launched NariCare, a startup that offers online workshops and one-on-one consultations with certified lactation consultants.

Founded in September 2022, NariCare was incubated at NSRCEL (Nadathur S Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning), IIM Bangalore, as part of its Women Startup Programme. “Breastfeeding is more than just a way to nourish a newborn; it is the foundation of early childhood health and development. Research h.