Shah Rukh Khan, a dominant force in Bollywood, found his breakthrough role in the 1993 thriller Baazigar. Since then what’s spawned is a three-decade-long illustrious career, where he redefined Indian cinema on the global stage, garnering the status of Bollywood’s ‘King of Romance.’ For his significant contribution to the entertainment world, the Indian superstar was honoured with a career achievement accolade at the 77th Locarno Film Festival on Saturday, August 10.

He rendered a heartfelt speech at the award function but what’s buzzing on social media is a viral moment from his red-carpet appearance. The superstar has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons ever since footage showed him seemingly pushing an elderly man. While posing for the paps, Shah Rukh Khan was captured moving toward an old man.

He supposedly jerks the person so he doesn’t appear in the camera frame. A bystander uploaded the footage on X, criticizing the Indian superstar. The user claimed, “He pushed that old man!!! Shame on you, Shah Rukh Khan.

" . #ShahRukhKhan he pushed that old man!!! Shame on you @iamsrk pic.twitter.

com/eA1g3G66xb — Azzmin✨ SIKANDAR🗿 (@being_azmin) August 10, 2024 The video has drawn several reactions online leaving many upset with SRK’s behaviour. A user called it, “Totally unacceptable,” and another wrote, “That is his reality I don’t understand why people are blind fans of him!” Always knew he is not a nice person he try to pretend to 🤷.