Wildlife videos on social media never fail to entertain and educate, offering glimpses into the natural world that are both thrilling and informative. These videos often showcase intense face-offs between predators and prey, where even a small twist of fate can turn the tables. One such video, now viral on YouTube, captures a lion cub’s harrowing encounter with a herd of buffaloes.

The footage shows the young lion peacefully resting when suddenly, a large group of buffaloes enters its territory. Startled, the cub quickly scrambles to safety, climbing up a nearby tree. However, the buffaloes are relentless, surrounding the tree from all sides, blocking any possible escape route for the cub.

In a dramatic moment, the cub loses its grip and slips halfway down the tree. One of the buffaloes seizes the opportunity and tries to attack the cub with its horns. In a tense sequence of events, the lion cub manages to regain some balance but ultimately falls to the ground, breaking a tree branch in the process.

The people recording the scene can be heard shrieking, fearing the worst for the cub as the buffaloes close in. But in a surprising twist, the falling branch hits one of the buffaloes, momentarily distracting the herd and giving the cub just enough time to make a swift escape. The video, captured by Nic Andrew, a wildlife photographer and safari guide, was shared on a YouTube channel where it quickly garnered attention.

According to the video’s description, an astonishing 1,00.