Mahendra Singh Dhoni, former Indian cricket team captain, is currently in Thailand with his family, taking in the sunshine and spending time with his loved ones. Ziva Singh Dhoni's official Instagram account, which is run by both Dhoni and his wife Sakshi, shared several images and videos from their Phuket holiday. Former India captain MS Dhoni is making the most of his free time, though he will be seen playing in IPL for CSK IN 2025, the cricketer is currently enjoying a vacation with his family in Thailand.

Ziva Singh Dhoni's official Instagram account, which both Dhoni and his wife Sakshi run has shared a slew of images and videos from their Phuket holiday. The picture-perfect family is spending quality leisure time on the beaches of Phuket. One of the pictures in the Instagram carousel shows Dhoni inside the pool with his daughter Ziva while she watches him from a distance.

In another video, MS Dhoni can be seen relaxing in the sea and is then joined by daughter Ziva. In the pictures and videos, Dhoni was spotted wearing sunglasses and a black vest. Other pictures in Ziva's account show the trio chasing beautiful sunsets, and enjoying by the beach.

Ziva's account captioned the pictures and clips as 'Beach Day'. Netizens couldn't stop gushing seeing the trio enjoying their getaway. A section of netzines called Ziva carbon copy of her mother Sakshi.

Take a look A post shared by ZIVA SINGH DHONI (@ziva_singh_dhoni) A few days back a video of MS Dhoni and his family went vira.