HANOI, VIETNAM – Media OutReach Newswire – 18 September 2024 – In an increasingly developed world, where experiences are often neatly packaged for convenience, it can feel like a chore to have a truly “real” experience with nature. The concrete jungle, while having its own allure, can leave us yearning for the raw, untamed beauty of the natural world. This innate tendency to reconnect with nature, or biophilia , is more than just a passing trend; it’s a deep-seated human need.

And this need is also shaping the travel industry. Research suggests that time spent in nature offers a multitude of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving immune system function, and reducing levels of stress hormones. It is, therefore, no surprise that immersing oneself in the natural world has become one of the most sought-after ways for 1.

3 billion inbound tourists to relax and rejuvenate. The World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024 (TDDI) reveals a notable trend: Tripadvisor pageviews have become increasingly concentrated on a country’s most popular natural and cultural attractions since 2021, when Covid-19 is forcing people to stay inside. This underscores the growing allure of nature tourism, a cornerstone of biophilia, which generates more than $600 billion in revenue globally.

Vinpearl: Embracing the Nature Tourism Trend Vinpearl, Vietnam’s leading hospitality brand, has strategically embraced the growing desire for nature-based .