K M Chaitanya, renowned for his gripping gangster drama , is set to direct his 10th film, a collaboration with actor Vinod Prabhakar for his 25th cinematic venture. Titled , the films marks the debut production for Padmavathi Jayaram and Shreyas under their banner, Padmavathi Films. Speaking about the film, director K M Chaitanya expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “While my films may not always have an overt message, I believe in subtly conveying one.

This film will continue that tradition. Shreyas selected the story, and I’m thrilled to collaborate with Vinod. delves into the underworld while weaving in elements of society and politics.

Inspired by real-life events, it’s a fictional narrative that promises plenty of entertainment and isn’t centered around a specific individual.” The team is set to unveil more exciting details and plans to introduce a major actor to the project on August 23. Meanwhile, Vinod Prabhakar has two other projects, Maadeva and Lankasura currently at different stages of production.
