A remarkable figure in the artistic world, Vincenzo Bonello dedicated his life to understanding, critiquing, restoring and curating art. His journey reflects a passion for unravelling art’s mysteries while preserving its rich heritage. With a keen eye and insatiable curiosity, Bonello has left an indelible mark on the realms of both artistic expression and historical narrative.

The eldest son of Giovanni Bonello and Maria Carmela Vella, Vincenzo was born in Valletta on September 9, 1891. In 1920, he was employed as government inspector of fine arts. Later, he was instrumental in founding the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Being the curator of its works of art (1925-1937), he was several times entrusted to inspect commissioned works of art. In 1925, Bonello was instrumental in the opening of the Malta Government School of Art, for the teaching of painting, sculpture, ceramics, filigree and history of art. Later, he was also deeply involved in the setting up of the Cathedral Museum, Mdina, and St John’s Museum, Valletta.

Bonello single-handedly undertook the task of acquiring about 400 paintings for the museum and attributing their authorship. He was an authority on local history and he researched in-depth in Maltese and Italian archives, particularly the period of the Order of St John. Bonello’s involvement in the Maltese cultural field began in his youth.

A member of the , he contributed to as well as in . Some of his studies were published in the , , , and . His books i.