The plot of the Netflix original movie, Sector 36 , is based on the Nithari Killings case in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, which shook the soul of the nation in 2006. Both Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal revisit this real-life horror with their deeply intense performances. The character of Prem aka Surender Koli, played by the Vikrant Massey was accused on cannibalism, rape and murder.

Koli and Moninder Singh Pandher, the co-accused in the Nithari killings case were supposed to be hanged. But due to lack of evidence, Pandher was let free where as Koli is still serving his life sentence. Some of the story is fictionalised especially the organ trafficking bit.

How much of Sector 36 was fictionalized? According to reports published in dmtalkines. com, in real life, the claims of Surinder Koli and Pandher running an illegal organ racket were unsubstantiated by the authorities. Actually, the rumor that Koli and Pandher were involved in organ trafficking came because a doctor named Navin Chaudhary, living in the vicinity, was suspected of being involved in organ trafficking, though the law enforcement authorities did not find any sort of evidence against him to support their claims.

The narco-analysis/brain mapping test that was conducted, after which the authorities pinned all the blame on Surinder Koli, and they didn’t find Pandher guilty of committing any crime. Unlike the film, in real life, Surinder Koli, together with Moninder Singh Pandher, was acquitted of all the charges in 2.