Renowned chef Vikas Khanna is currently in India and has recently paid a visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The celebrated chef’s trip is after the recognition of his New York restaurant, Bungalow, with the prestigious Michelin 2024 Bib Gourmand Award. Accompanied by his mother, Bindu Khanna, Chef Vikas immersed himself in the sacred atmosphere of the shrine, performing 'sewa' and relishing the kada prasad.
Also Read: Exclusive! Chef Vikas Khanna Says “I Unapologetically Work For More Than 16 Hours A Day Bringing My Sisters' Dream To Reality” A Journey of Gratitude With Langar Sewa Dressed in a traditional turban, Khanna bowed at the holy Sikh shrine to show deep gratitude for the blessings he has received. Recalling the journey of his restaurant and his life, Khanna shared on social media, “Almost a year ago, I visited the Golden Temple to seek blessings for my Bungalow Chef Jacket. Today, I returned to bow in gratitude.
” Watch the full video here. In the video he posted on Instagram, Khanna is seen peeling potatoes and rolling rotis alongside other devotees, contributing to the langar. The chef expressed how significant it was to share this moment with his mother, saying, “I wanted this time with my Maa.
Everything should begin with her.” In the Instagram reel, he was also spotted relishing 'kada prasad' a rich and sweet atte ka halwa which is offered to visitors at Gurudwaras. The Michelin Bib Gourmand Award He dedicated the Michelin Bib Gourmand Award f.