In an exclusive interview with ETimes, actor Vijay Raaz opened up about the ongoing controversy surrounding his departure from the film ‘ Son of Sardar 2 .’ The seasoned actor believes that the film's producers are attempting to tarnish his reputation after he refused to return the advance payment he received for the project. Vijay Raaz revealed that he was asked to leave the film on August 4th, but the issue has only escalated recently.

He explained, "It’s because I refused to return the advance paid to me by them, and now they are trying to intimidate me. I told Kumar Mangat that we would discuss the issue once they were back from the shoot. I also told him, ‘You have wasted my time, insulted me, and damaged my reputation in the industry.

’" The actor further stated, “They have removed me from the film, and the rule is that if the artist is removed, they are not obligated to return the money. If I had walked out of the film on my own, I would have returned the advance.” Vijay Raaz also questioned the timing of the producers' actions, suggesting it was a deliberate attempt to undermine him.

"Kumar Mangat called me on Thursday, and after I refused to return the money, they went on a rampage to intimidate me, playing with my life. What have I done—hurt their ego? But that doesn't give them the right to play with someone's life," he said. Detailing the events that led to his exit, Vijay Raaz shared what happened when he arrived in the UK for the shoot.

"I landed .