Actor Vijay Raaz, initially cast in a pivotal role in the upcoming film Son of Sardaar 2, was reportedly asked to leave the project on the very first day of shooting, according to a Pinkvilla report. When we reach out to Raaz for his side of the story and his reaction to producer Kumar Mangat Pathak's claims—that he was removed from the film due to his behavior on set, demands for "bigger rooms, vanity van," and overcharging for spot boys—the actor responds, "It's all a lie. All these discussions are done before the actor reaches the set.

Them mentioning it now in itself means there is something fishy. All this was decided, which is why I went all the way to Scotland for the film's shoot. Vahaan jaake thodi na final karenge yeh sab!" Raaz continues, "I told them that my room is congested, I do yoga so I need some space apart from the bed.

Yeh main aur kisse kahunga, executive producer se hi bolunga na? Maine request kari thi, unhone kaha theek hai ispe kal baat karenge, aur main raat ko pahaunch ke so gaya." Also read : Sanjay Dutt dropped from Son of Sardaar 2 after his UK visa application was rejected over arrest in 1993: Report He adds that everything seemed fine the next morning when Kumar informed him that his shoot would begin in the next four hours. "The next morning, I went to the set, Kumar Mangat ji aur Ravi Kishan aaye aur van mein baithe.

It was all going well, he told me my shoot starts in the next four hours. The discussion about the room was already done wa.