The upcoming comedy sequel, , has been hit with unexpected turbulence. Veteran actor Vijay Raaz has been abruptly removed from the film's cast, currently under production in London. Reports suggest that the decision was made due to the actor's alleged unprofessional conduct on set.

While the film boasts a star-studded ensemble including Ajay Devgn, Deepak Dobriyal, Chunky Panday and Mrunal Thakur, the behind-the-scenes drama surrounding Raaz's departure has overshadowed the project's progress. . Film''s co-producer Kumar Mangat Pathak confirmed the news to , citing Raaz's on-set behaviour as the reason for his removal.

Pathak detailed a series of alleged unprofessional demands, including requests for larger rooms, a vanity van and inflated payments for his spot boy. "He demanded bigger rooms, a vanity van, and also overcharged us for the spot boys. His spot boy was paid Rs 20,000 per night, which is more than what some of the biggest actors pay.

UK is an expensive place, and everyone got standard rooms during the shoot, but he demanded premium suites," Mangat said. Further, the producer also added how Vijay's demand escalated with time. He said, "We tried to accommodate all his demands, but the behaviour kept getting worse.

He started to demand two cars for a three-person staff to travel as well. After all the discussions, we decided to remove him from the film." However, Vijay Raaz has presented a different narrative regarding his removal from .

The actor has claimed that he.