KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 20 — Happy iPhone Day! For the first time Malaysians will be receiving their iPhones on the same day as the US and Singapore but the Apple Store at TRX The Exchange is open the earliest in the region, 8am, for customers to collect their preorders. At around 6.50am, a small crowd of around 60-70 people were already in line at the cordoned off areas but by 7.

30am the numbers had swelled by three times. Excitement is catching While waiting for the doors to open, I chatted with Reymey, who had come with a friend who had preordered the phone earlier. She was hoping that there was stock available to get the new iPhone 16 Pro Max in black with 1TB storage, which I found an interesting choice as most people were more excited about the new colour.

Reymey laughed and said her accessories were usually colourful so a more sedate black would probably be more appropriate. She said that she was wowed by the atmosphere and just how excited fans were to the point she too could feel that excitement. Apple iPhone Day at TRX #apple #iphone16pro #iphone #iphoneday Vietnam takes the first.

.. orders When the preorders opened on September 13, Vietnamese Apple fan Hung was determined to get his order in.

He arrived at 2am in the morning despite not even needing to queue as his unit was already guaranteed. When asked how his experience was queuing overnight, he had only one word to describe it: tiring. According to Hung he has been a faithful Apple user for over 10 years.
