Tuesday, August 20, 2024 The Vietnamese government is actively considering new policies to support the opening of additional international flight routes to key tourist destinations across the country. This move is part of a broader strategy aimed at bolstering the nation’s tourism sector in response to the growing global competition. By enhancing accessibility to various regions, Vietnam aims to solidify its position as a top tourist destination, driving growth in the tourism industry and ensuring sustainable development.

Vietnam’s tourism sector has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with 12.5 million international visitors arriving in 2023, far exceeding the initial target of 8 million. To maintain this momentum, the government has recognized the need for improved accessibility to key tourist destinations.

The introduction of new international flight routes is seen as a critical factor in achieving this goal. By making it easier for international travelers to reach various parts of the country, Vietnam hopes to attract even more visitors, thereby boosting the local economy and supporting the growth of its tourism industry. The government’s report to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee underscores the importance of a more integrated regional approach to tourism development.

This includes the creation of joint tourism products and packages that encompass multiple localities, allowing visitors to experience a wider range of attractions within the coun.