Pakistani drama actor, Nimra Khan, has shared an ordeal of recently surviving an attempted kidnapping in Karachi. The actor — known for her acting in drama serials Uraan and Ehraam-e-Janoon , among others — detailed her harrowing experience via a video on her official Instagram account. "I am Muslim proudly but I am sorry being Pakistani I [don't know] what should I say," she captioned the video.

Khan, who was waiting for her car while standing outside a hotel in Phase 8 of the Defence Housing Authority (DHA), said three men walked towards her and surrounded her at the site. "I was waiting for my car. Three men came and tried to kidnap me.

.. I had phones in my hand and bags on my shoulder.

I was waiting for my family that was stuck in traffic," said the actor, adding that she was standing there because of rain. Khan then shared that the there men then attempted to grab her and placed a "loaded gun" on her stomach in the process, adding that she began shouting to seek help. "No one listened.

Four guards were sitting in front of me [but]no one listened. I protected myself. My feet got hit really hard.

I pushed the bike...

and ran," she said, adding, "I could have been shot from the back." The actor saved herself after rushing before a moving vehicle, the passengers of which helped her, following which the hotel's staff also rescued and took her in. Khan, in the video, calling herself a "victim", questioned that safety of women in the country.

Sobbing and shaking while shari.