Friday, August 23, 2024 Victoria is set to elevate its tourism landscape with the announcement of 29 new regional projects that will receive significant funding through the Enabling Tourism Fund 2024. These initiatives, which aim to bolster the state’s tourism industry and attract more visitors to regional areas, were unveiled by the Minister for Tourism, Sport, and Major Events, Steve Dimopoulos, during a visit to the Art Gallery of Ballarat. This effort is part of the Allan Labor Government’s broader strategy to drive economic growth, create local jobs, and enhance Victoria’s already impressive array of tourist attractions.

The Enabling Tourism Fund 2024, which provides grants of up to $500,000, is designed to help regional tourism projects reach investment-ready status. The funding will support feasibility studies, the design of future infrastructure, and the development of masterplans that will ensure these projects are not only viable but also sustainable in the long term. This fund is part of a $170 million investment by the Allan Labor Government aimed at boosting regional economies, creating jobs, and enhancing the state’s tourism appeal.

Steve Dimopoulos emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “Our investment in these regional projects is about more than just enhancing tourist attractions; it’s about creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and ensuring that Victoria remains a top destination for both domestic and international visitors..