On Tuesday, the Victoria City Council will vote to approve and adopt the community development block grant 2024 to 2025 one year action plan. As an entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Victoria receives an annual grant from the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Community Development Block Grant program. The department of Housing and Urban Development requires that grantees, the city of Victoria, develop a strategic plan every five years called the Consolidated Plan. The city also has to submit to Housing and Urban Development an annual action plan that outlines how the city will use its annual community development block grant funds to address needs identified in the consolidated plan.

The 2024 action plan is the fifth annual plan of the 2020 to 2024 consolidated plan cycle, according to city documents. The city’s 2024 entitlement grant award of $551,333 is proposed to be allocated to continue the city’s goal of assisting low-and moderate-income residents through neighborhood programs; public park improvements and development; and local public service awards and public facility projects for local non-profits and eligible agencies, according to city documents. The city of Victoria is required to submit the annual action plan to housing and urban development on or before Aug.

16. Housing and Urban development then has to approve the plan before community development block grant funds are made available for expenditure by the city. Additionally, c.