You’re a single mom in a murder mystery whose little boy says a man in a black mask comes down from the attic in the middle of the night and breathes in his face — would you believe him? Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * You’re a single mom in a murder mystery whose little boy says a man in a black mask comes down from the attic in the middle of the night and breathes in his face — would you believe him? Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? You’re a single mom in a murder mystery whose little boy says a man in a black mask comes down from the attic in the middle of the night and breathes in his face — would you believe him? Well, that’s a creepy scenario. We readers would believe the little boy because in the opening pages we’ve already seen Anya lolling in her bath, emptying a bottle of wine, while up in her attic a man in a black mask — well, you can guess. Needless to say, Anya is not long for this world in Andrea Mara’s .

Meabh Fitzpatrick photo Ireland’s Andrea Mara has written seven crime novels; Someone in the Attic is the first to be released in North America. Mara is one of Ireland’s better-known mystery writers; is her first to be published in North America. And pretty good it is too, though a tad too complex.

If it has you hearing things in your house at 3 a.m., the book has done its job.

Anya had been the narcissistic ringleader of a group of young women.