In the midst of World War II, Monica Upton's nonno fled Italy to find a better life and more opportunities for his family in Australia. It's ironic, then, that about 70 years after the war ended Upton returned to Italy and kickstarted a business venture that has since turned over almost $10 million. "My dad often says that if nonno could see what I was doing now, he'd be pretty blown away," she tells 9honey proudly.

READ MORE: Tammy had to go by a fake name when she started eight-figure business Now a mum-of-two and CEO of luxury leather bag brand Vestirsi , Upton's founder journey began in a Melbourne office while she was working in luxury beauty PR. It was the mid-2010s and Upton, then in her 20s, was keenly aware of the one thing that all her most influential colleagues and clients had in common; a good leather handbag. "They would have beautiful, big Celine or Prada or Yves Saint Lauren totes, which I couldn't afford," she recalls.

"I was on a PR assistant salary. I had no money." After work she'd wander Melbourne's department stores looking for a classic, black leather bag under the $4,000 mark, but all she found were cheap PU leather (artificial leather polymer made from plastic) styles that were still expensive.

Upton couldn't afford a high-quality designer bag, nor did she want to rock up to the office with a knock-off – and she wasn't the only one. "I was so sure that other women would want these bags for that price point as well," she says, and the entrepreneur.