Venus Williams is the narrator behind the Carnegie Museum of Art’s “Widening the Lens” podcast , a six-part series that explores the relationship between people, photography and the environment. That relationship is contextualized, discussed and analyzed by scholars, artists from diverse backgrounds and Williams herself. Some of the artists also appear in the accompanying exhibition “Widening the Lens: Photography, Ecology and the Contemporary Landscape,” on display at the Carnegie Museum of Art until January.

With this series, Williams adds a new element to her career. While she is part of the conversation, her narration and celebrity do not interrupt the discussions but rather add to their nuances and perspectives. Williams, who is returning to the U.

S. Open on Aug. 29, spoke with TribLive about being featured on the podcast.

How do you see the intersection of art and environmental justice? In what ways do you think art can influence public perception and policy on environmental issues? Venus Williams: I learned a lot about the integration of art and our environment. Having this opportunity to learn how art can be used as a tool for social impact has been eye-opening. In this case, it really addresses the urgent issues of our time, like how our environment and landscape are changing, and how that change isn’t always for the best.

I’m excited to use this platform to showcase diverse perspectives from artists of all backgrounds, inspiring audiences and sparking .