By Aubrey Rose A. Inosante, Reporter THE P3,000 ($51) minimum purchase requirement for nonresident tourists to qualify for a value-added tax (VAT) refund is “just right” to ensure small businesses benefit, analysts said. President Ferdinand R.

Marcos, Jr. recently signed into law Republic Act (RA) No. 12079, which allows tourists to claim VAT refunds on purchases worth at least P3,000 from government-accredited stores, in an effort to boost tourism receipts.

“The P3,000 is just right to benefit micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) retailers and local products,” Philippine Retailers Association (PRA) President Roberto S. Claudio said. He said the purchase cap is kept to a minimum to benefit locally made products.

“I think it’s a good entry and good starting point. Some countries are still higher than P3,000 as well. I think we’re above the middle, so I think that’s a good place to be,” Tourism Congress of the Philippines President James M.

Montenegro said via phone call. Under RA 12079, the value of the locally bought goods from accredited stores must reach at least P3,000 per transaction, provided these goods are taken out of the country within 60 days of purchase. “This law is primarily designed to boost tourist arrivals and expenditure.

Hopefully, it will also increase the sales revenue of retailers,” Mr. Claudio said. Mr.

Montenegro said the minimum purchase amount could be adjusted in the future. The threshold is subject to review and adjustment.