Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan, Esha Gupta, Mrunal Thakur, and Maniesh Paul were recently spotted hanging out together. The actors seemingly reunited for an event. Maniesh took to his Instagram stories to share glimpses of their time together, posting photos featuring Varun, Esha, and Mrunal.

The first image shows Maniesh posing with the Rustom actor in a flight. He captioned the post, "Flying partner for today." The actor-host also shared a happy photo of him sitting next to Esha and Mrunal, writing, "Beauties with the beast.

" Esha also shared photos of her hanging out with the actors on her Instagram stories. Maniesh also raved about Varun’s performance in his web series Citadel: Honey Bunny, where Varun stars alongside actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Sharing a video of Varun’s scene from the show, the JugJugg Jeeyo actor wrote, "This guy is everywhere!! People binging on @varundvn on a flight too!!! #HunnyBunny ruling! @primevideoin.

" Meanwhile, Citadel: Honey Bunny is directed by Raj & DK. Varun plays Bunny, a skilled stuntman, while Samantha portrays a spy in the film. In a statement, Samantha revealed what inspired her to join the show, saying, “It’s not gimmicky and full of high-tech gadgets and technology.

The world that is created is so real. The characters are genuinely relatable—ordinary people placed in extraordinary circumstances. That drew me in immediately.

I also believe it was a brilliant move to set the show in the nineties.” The storyline follows V.