Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has hopped on to the viral 'cheen tapak dum dum' trend on social media. The actor who is quite active on Instagram dropped a video of himself enjoying the Mumbai weather on Tuesday morning. ADVERTISEMENT On Tuesday, the actor dropped a selfie video of himself enjoying the nice windy weather in the city.

Along with the video, he also added the 'cheen tapak dum dum' audio that is the current rage on social media. Sharing the video, he wrote, "Mast weather". A post shared by VarunDhawan (@varundvn) In the last few days, numerous reels and memes have been created on social media using the audio with four words 'Cheen tapak dum dum'.

The dialogue is taken from the popular children's cartoon show 'Chhota Bheem'. On the show, this dialogue is associated with the villain named Takia. It is his catchphrase and he generally uses it when he displays his magical powers.

A scene involving him using his magical powers in a prison cell has specifically gone viral and is being used by meme creators. A day back, actress Shraddha Kapoor also used the viral audio for one of her posts. In the video, she is seen posing in a red saree for the promotions of her upcoming film 'Stree 2'.

Take a look: A post shared by Shraddha ✶ (@shraddhakapoor) Actor Varun Dhawan will next be seen in the web series 'Citadel: Honey Bunny' with Samantha Ruth Prabhu . 'Citadel: Honey Bunny', created by Raj & DK is an Indian adaptation of the Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden-starrer 'Cit.